Missing Soldiers of Fromelles
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¤ Reginald George Bonney ¤ Jill Byrnes ¤ Geoff Tully ¤ Terry Erbs ¤ Maggie Schwann ¤ Barbara Abt
Translation (from Google) French German
The Somme Offensive
Miscellanous |
BATTLE OF FROMELLES MISSINGUnlike Rue-Petillon Military Cemetery, VC Corner Australian Cemetery has no headstones and is specifically dedicated to the abortive attack at Fromelles. The memorial wall is said to record the names of 1,299 Australians who died in the battle and have no known grave and as well, its lawns contain 410 unidentified bodies of former AIF soldiers who fought in this sector. Situated in No-Man's-Land between the German and Australian front lines, this cemetery symbolizes the sacrifice of the First AIF during World War One and embodies the spirit of ANZAC. Designed by Sir Herbert Baker, VC Corner Cemetery would be a sobering experience for any visitor interested in reflecting upon the bravery of the men who participated in this particular engagement, as discovered by Governor-General Ms Quentin Bryce, AC while laying a wreath at Fromelles. Importantly though even the losses here should be remembered in the context of Australia's overall commitment to the Allied cause during the Great War.
Villers-Bretonneux Memorial is Australia's national memorial. It was erected to honour all Australians who served in France and Belgium during the Great War. BACKGROUND INFORMATION TO FACILITATE THE COMPILATION OF THIS ROLL HAS BEEN OBTAINED FROM THE AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL AND THE COMMONWEALTH WAR GRAVES COMMISSION, WHICH, WHEN CROSS-REFERENCED, HAS ENABLED FROMELLES DISCUSSION GROUP TO HONOUR THE FALLEN. This roll should be taken into account by the British and Australian authorities when considering the identification of the skeletal remains at Pheasant Wood, as common sense would suggest the list compiled by the German burial party after the Battle of Fromelles may not necessarily be complete. There is a distinct possibility that unidentified bodies, have been interred in the burial pits without being recorded and that is why the Federal Government should apply DNA and forensic technology to all remains connected with this particular clash. Especially so now reports are circulating the site manager who co-ordinated the trial dig has decided to support identification and one group is apparently employing its considerable resources to have visitors to the Western Front approached to ascertain whether they have any family connection. Besides the 410 unidentified Great War Diggers already mentioned as being buried at VC Corner, the Imperial War Museum's Principal Historian Nigel Steel, recently reminded us of other unknown burials. In an article titled 'Another brick in the wall' published in WARTIME: OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE AUSTRALIAN WAR MEMORIAL - ISSUE 44, Steel refers to other unidentified remains from this battle being buried in Rue-David Military Cemetery located in Fleurbaix (266), Ration Farm (142), Rue-Petillon Military Cemetery also situated near Fleurbaix (22) and Y Farm at Bois-Grenier (72). Other cemeteries containing unidentified remains connected with this battle include Caberet-Rouge British Military Cemetery at Souchez and Le Trou Aid Post. In fact if one adds the burials at Pheasant Wood to the unknowns in these cemeteries one is not too far short of the total number given for the missing. Every missing or unidentified soldier in this roll can be accessed through the Australian War Memorial's Roll of Honour database and can be found in the Australian Red Cross Wounded and Missing Enquiry Bureau Files, and as previously advised, the Commonwealth War Grave Commission's Debt of Honour Register as well. For your convenience the web address for the AWM's Roll of Honour has been placed at the top and bottom of the list, together with the web address for the CWGC database. Inquiries about this roll can be directed to info@FromellesDiscussionGroup.com. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z CLICK on the initial letter of the surname you want to CHECK or find your relative by holding down CONTROL/COMMAND followed by the F-KEY, then typing in the last name or service number, then click find.
4898 Pte David Abbott 53rd Btn I 1516 L. Cpl. Ernest Abbott 30th Btn I 3451 Pte Duncan Affleck 59th Btn I 2nd Lt George Allan 53rd Btn I 4727 Private Thomas Allanson 53rd Btn I 401 Pte Desmond Allen 58th Btn I 3134 Pte George Allen 53rd Btn I 3458 Pte Ralph Allen 58th Btn I 1966 Pte Percy Allengame 32nd Btn I 1590 Pte Jack Ambler 32nd Btn I 2560 Sgt David Anderson 54th Btn I 2nd Lt Edward Anderson 57th Btn I 2101 Pte Frederick Anderson 53rd Btn I 3753 Pte George Anderson 55th Btn I 3003A Pte James Anderson 59th Btn I 1205 Pte Percy Anderson 32nd Btn I 90 Pte Peter Anderson 30th Btn I 2452 Sgt Robert Anderson 60th Btn I 1503 Sgt George Andrews 59th Btn I 2554 Cpl William Andrews 60th Btn I 2777 Pte Frank Apperly 58th Btn I 340 Pte Eric Arkell 30th Btn I 3681 John Armstrong 60th Btn I 2778 Pte Leonard Armstrong 59th Btn I 2555 Pte John Arnold 55th Btn I 2329 Pte Walter Arnold 60th Btn I 1905 Pte William Arnold 60th Btn I 1968 Pte Colin Arnott 30th Btn I 4729 Pte Ernest Ashton 53rd Btn I 1656 Pte Percy Ashworth 60th Btn I 3230 Pte Frederick Aspinall 53rd Btn I 3010 Pte William Aspinall 58th Btn I 1971 Pte Vivian Aulton 30th Btn I 4731 Pte William Austin 53rd Btn
3234B Pte Richard Back 53rd Btn I 4432 Pte Victor Backhouse 54th Btn I 261 L Cpl Albert Backler 32nd Btn I 3236 Pte Walter Bacon 53rd Btn I 688 Pte Andrew Bailey 60th Btn I 2849 Pte Clarence Bailey 60th Btn I 2468 Gilbert Bailey 53rd Btn I 135 Pte Walter Bain 31st Btn I 1927 Pte John Bainbridge 53rd Btn I 2560 Pte Charles Baines 58th Btn I 3453 Pte Percy Baker 59th Btn I 1623 Pte Thomas Baker 53rd Btn I 3007 Pte Vinton Baker 55th Btn I 3247 Pte Vivian Baker 55th Btn I 814 Pte William Baker 31st Btn I 2116 L Cpl Eric Baldwin 53rd Btn I 2565 Pte Arthur Balfour 59th Btn I 4254 Pte Michael Balkin 54th Btn I 762 Pte Jacob Bambury 59th Btn I 4065 Pte William Bannister 60th Btn I 2582 Cpl Alexander Barber 55th Btn I 3007A Cpl Richard Barber 55th Btn I 346 Pte William Barber 32nd Btn I 3655 Pte William Barger 60th Btn I 1308 Pte James Barker 59th Btn I 4910A Pte Phillip Barker 60th Btn I 3216 Pte John Barnard 55th Btn I 1062 Pte George Barnatt 29th Btn I 2459 Pte Hurtle Barnes 60th Btn I 2nd Lt Andrew Barnfather 58th Btn I 3474A Pte David Barr 60th Btn I 3011A Pte George Barr 60th Btn I 3492 Sgt Roy Barrack 53rd Btn I 4431 Pte Benjamin Barrett 60th Btn I 3031 Pte Rossiter Barrett 55th Btn I 3768 Pte Douglas Bartlett 60th Btn I 881 Pte Jack Bartlett 32nd Btn I 2104 Company Quartermaster Sergeant Herbert Bartley 53rd Btn I 4734 Pte John Barton 60th Btn I 2785 Company Sergeant Major Edward Bassett 58th Btn I 2789 Pte William Bastin 59th Btn I 166 Pte Lemuel Batey 29th Btn I 352 Pte Arthur Batt 32nd Btn I 10 Sgt Oscar Baumann 32nd Btn I 4 Sgt Bertie Beare 32nd Btn I 1160 Pte Walter Beattie 60th Btn I 3239 Pte William Beck 53rd Btn I 3038A Pte William Beith 56th Btn I 4734 Pte Charles Bell 53rd Btn I 191 Pte Henry Bell 29th Btn I 2560 Pte Phillip Bellingham 59th Btn I 1602 L Cpl Allan Bennett 32nd Btn I 3240 Pte Clyde Bennett 59th Btn I 2287 Pte William Bennett 30th Btn I 840 Pte George Benson 30th Btn I 2nd Lt James Benson 32nd Btn I 2569 Pte Albert Benton 59th Btn I 2334 Pte Thomas Beston 59th Btn I 2578 Pte Royce Betancor 60th Btn I 3672 L Cpl Rupert Bethune 59th Btn I 4973 Pte George Bevan 59th Btn I 3245 Pte Matthew Bicket 60th Btn I 3022A Pte William Biggs 59th Btn I 2792A Pte Clive Bill 59th Btn I 4440 Pte Marcus Billington 54th Btn I 3761 Pte Raymond Bishop 55th Btn I 2331 Sgt Archibald Black 53rd Btn I 42 Pte John Black 32nd Btn I 3657 Pte Horace Blackburn 55th Btn I 3023 Pte William Blacksell 32nd Btn I 2119 Pte George Bleazby 60th Btn I 3009 Pte George Blee 59th Btn I 4744 Pte Fred Blomfield 53rd Btn I 3248A Pte Leslie Bloore 60th Btn I 3509 Pte Alfred Bolton 53rd Btn I 4296 Pte William Bond 58th Btn I 3466A Pte William Bond 59th Btn I 3461 Pte Richard Bone 60th Btn I 4747 Pte Ernest Bonetti 60th Btn I 2782 Pte Thomas Bonnett 54th Btn I 44 Pte George Bonney 32nd Btn I 3251 Pte William Booth 53rd Btn I 891 Pte John Boswell 32nd Btn I 4736 Pte Frederick Botterill 59th Btn I 1983 Pte Joseph Bottral 32nd Btn I 1682 Pte Harold Bourke 30th Btn I 885 Pte John Bourke 32nd Btn I 2932 Pte Frank Bowden 60th Btn I 2nd Lt John Bowden 59th Btn I 1664 Pte Albert Boyce 59th Btn I 1218 Pte William Boyce 32nd Btn I 2799 Pte Cyril Boyd 60th Btn I 2562 Pte Hugh Boyd 59th Btn I 3336 Pte Thomas Boyd 60th Btn I 3243 Pte William Boyd 53rd Btn I 761 Pte Edward Bradley 60th Btn I 4749 Pte Frederick Bradshaw 59th Btn I 2564 Cpl Arthur Bragg 60th Btn I 4140A Pte John Brand 54th Btn I 3458 Pte William Brasher 60th Btn I 4438 Pte Charles Brear 60th Btn I 1983 Pte Justin Breguet 29th Btn I 2565 Pte Edgar Bright 58th Btn I 2327 Pte Hendrick Brinckmann 59th Btn I 3487 Pte Clifton Brindal 54th Btn I 1986 Pte Leopold Briscoe 30th Btn I 3013 Pte Leonard Broadhurst 55th Btn I 4744 Pte Albert Bromley 53rd Btn I 3038A Pte Arthur Brook 60th Btn I 3034 Pte Arthur Brooks 32nd Btn I 1522 Pte Sidney Broom 31st Btn I 2584 L Cpl Alexander Brown 59th Btn I 3007 Pte Charles Brown 53rd Btn I 4740 Pte Frederick Brown 59th Btn I 3005 Pte John Brown 60th Btn I 3043 Pte Philip Browne 58th Btn I 1843 Pte Joseph Brownridge 59th Btn I 602 Pte George Bruce 58th Btn I 1668 Pte Walter Bruce 60th Btn I 1470 Pte Norman Brumm 29th Btn I 3249 Pte Thomas Bryant 53rd Btn I 3537 Pte Leslie Bugg 53rd Btn I 3035 Pte Stephen Bullen 60th Btn I 3261A Pte William Bundy 53rd Btn I 411 Sgt Herbert Burbidge 32nd Btn I 450 Pte Clive Burchell 32nd Btn I 3042 Pte Anthony Burford 32nd Btn I 4762 Pte John Burford 59th Btn I 4151A Pte Ernest Burgess 54th Btn I 609 Pte William Burke 30th Btn I 1226 Pte Edward Burney 32nd Btn I 501 Sgt Austral Burns 53rd Btn I 3267 Pte Arthur Butler 59th Btn I 2571 Pte John Butler 58th Btn I 2333 Pte William Butler 60th Btn I 3321 Pte Frederick Byrne 59th Btn I 1229 Pte James Byrne 32nd Btn I 1664 Pte John Byrne 53rd Btn
3281 Pte William Cahill 59th Btn I 3037 Pte Walter Cain 59th Btn I 4748 Pte Percy Caines 59th Btn I 3273A Pte James Cairns 53rd Btn I 2816 Pte Edward Caldwell 60th Btn I 1995 Pte John Callaghan 30th Btn I 3039 Cpl Claude Cameron 60th Btn I 233 Pte Duncan Cameron 32nd Btn I 3040 Cpl Ewen Cameron 60th Btn I 917 Pte Ian Cameron 32nd Btn I 4769A Pte Leslie Cameron 60th Btn I 2618 Pte Norman Cameron 59th Btn I 3265A Sgt John Camp 53rd Btn I 3042A Pte Arthur Campbell 59th Btn I 495 Sgt Jack Campbell 54th Btn I 3060B Pte George Candy 60th Btn I 457 Pte Samuel Cann 32nd Btn I 2590 Pte Charles Cant 59th Btn I 2793 Pte Thuillier Cardew 54th Btn I 3052A Pte Herbert Carey 56th Btn I 3480A Pte Timothy Carey 53rd Btn I 1529 Pte George Carlin 60th Btn I 1445 Pte Roy Carmichael 53rd Btn I Lt Eric Carr 59th Btn I 1920 Pte Patrick Carroll 60th Btn I 1235 Pte Thomas Cartwright 32nd Btn I 397 Pte Douglas Caswell 30th Btn I 3630 Pte Herbert Cawley 54th Btn I 2596A Pte Frederick Chamberlain 60th Btn I 2597 Pte Thomas Chandler 58th Btn I Lt Eric Chinner 32nd Btn I 67 Pte Raymond Choat 32nd Btn I 2827 Pte Orlando Christian 59th Btn I 3054 Pte John Christie 59th Btn I 4751 Pte William Christie 59th Btn I 635 Sgt Chester Church 30th Btn I 4166A Pte George Clapperton 54th Btn I 2600 Pte Clarence Claridge 60th Btn I 4155A Pte Roy Clark 54th Btn I 3053 Pte Stanley Clark 59th Btn I 3224 Pte John Clarke 53rd Btn I 4978 Pte Owen Clarke 59th Btn I 1995 Pte Thomas Clarke 32nd Btn I 3055 Pte Thomas Clarke 58th Btn I 2830 Cpl Thornton Clarke 60th Btn I 1239 Pte Maurice Claxton 32nd Btn I 850 Pte Charles Clayton 60th Btn I 4076 Cpl Harold Clements 59th Btn I 2600 Pte Albert Clery 60th Btn I 3168 Pte Alexander Clingan 53rd Btn I 4965 Pte Leslie Clout 60th Btn I 137 Sgt Edward Coady 30th Btn I 3267 Driver Richard Coady 53rd Btn I 73 Pte Walter Cochrane 32nd Btn I 624 Pte John Coghlan 31st Btn I 3583 Pte Cyril Cohen 60th Btn I 417 Pte Reginald Cole 29th Btn I 626 Pte Alfred Collier 31st Btn I 2nd Lt Clarence Collier 53rd Btn I 2835 L Cpl George Collins 60th Btn I 4755 Pte Michael Comerford 53rd Btn I 3082 Pte John Condon 60th Btn I 2810 Pte William Connell 53rd Btn I 3585A Pte William Connolly 54th Btn I 4783 Pte Eden Connor 59th Btn I 4460 Pte Charles Conroy 54th Btn I 988A Company Sergeant Major John Conway 60th Btn I 3064 Pte Michael Coogan 58th Btn I 4757 Pte Sydney Cooke 53rd Btn I 3067 Pte Harry Cooper 60th Btn I 3482 Pte Henry Cooper 59th Btn I 633 Pte Samuel Cooper 30th Btn I 4465 Pte Thomas Cooper 58th Btn I 4747 Pte Claude Coote 53rd Btn I 1241 Pte Walter Cope 32nd Btn I 2011 Pte Maurice Corigliano 32nd Btn I 3715 Pte Edward Corin 59th Btn I 2150 Pte Thomas Cosgriff 59th Btn I 4462 Pte William Cotter 59th Btn I 2nd Lt Frank Cousins 59th Btn I 3019A Pte Robert Cowl 60th Btn I 2009 Pte John Cowland 32nd Btn I 2211 Pte Edward Cox 59th Btn I 210 Pte James Cozens 29th Btn I 4420 L Cpl William Craigie 54th Btn I 2605 L Cpl James Crammond 60th Btn I 77 L Cpl John Crawford 32nd Btn I 3072 Pte John Creedon 32nd Btn I 4179 Pte Henry Cressy 54th Btn I 1997 Pte William Crisp 32nd Btn I 79 Pte John Crocker 32nd Btn I 2006 Pte George Croft 30th Btn I 2010 Pte Harry Croker 30th Btn I 2588 Willie Croser 32nd Btn I 80 Cpl Gordon Crossman 32nd Btn I 3818 Pte William Crossman 53rd Btn I 3272 Pte William Croucher 53rd Btn I 3277 Pte William Crow 59th Btn I 3282 Pte Roy Cruickshanks 53rd Btn I 3032 Pte William Cuckson 54th Btn I 2349 Pte Alexander Cunningham 59th Btn I 494 Pte James Curran 31st Btn I 3717 Pte Joseph Currie 60th Btn I 465 Pte Frank Curtin 32nd Btn I 3284 Pte Frederick Curtis 59th Btn I 3017A Pte Vernon Curwen 60th Btn
3718 Pte Frederick Dale 59th Btn I 3636 Pte William Daley 54th Btn I 2497 Pte Arthur Dalton 60th Btn I 867 Pte Witton Dalton 30th Btn I 3715 Pte John Daly 60th Btn I 3299 L Cpl Bertram Dalzell 59th Btn I 2849 Pte Harry Daniel 59th Btn I 1522 Pte Leslie Daniels 32nd Btn I 320 Pte Charles Dank 31st Btn I 4934 Pte Frederick Davies 53rd Btn I 3087 Pte George Davies 60th Btn I 864 Pte Henry Davies 59th Btn I 4904 Pte Richard Davies 53rd Btn I 3297 Pte Frederick Davis 53rd Btn I 3289 Pte James Davis 60th Btn I 3323 Pte Thomas Dawson 60th Btn I 2350 Pte Clarence De Lisle 60th Btn I 485 Sgt Henry De Melker 60th Btn I 2616 Pte George Deakin 58th Btn I 925 L Cpl Jack Dean 32nd Btn I 2008 Pte Albert Deans 29th Btn I 2470 Pte Patrick Delaney 60th Btn I 1252 L Cpl Sydney Dennis 32nd Btn I 4182 Pte Jerome Devos 54th Btn I 3047 Pte Robert Dewar 55th Btn I 3027 Pte John Dewsnap 59th Btn I 4183A Pte Edwin Dibben 54th Btn I 84 Pte Michael Dillon 32nd Btn I 2575 L Sgt Frank Dixon 59th Btn I 8852 Pte Frederick Dixon 53rd Btn I 649 Pte James Dobbie 30th Btn I 2612 Pte Thomas Docter 60th Btn I 4770 Pte Downie Dodd 56th Btn I 2128 Pte Reginald Dodd 53rd Btn I 3088 Pte Frank Donaldson 60th Btn I 3290 Pte William Donohue 60th Btn I 3557 Pte Willie Doust 54th Btn I 3290 Pte Edward Downie 53rd Btn I 1097 Sgt James Downie 29th Btn I 869 Pte John Doyle 30th Btn I 1186 Pte Sidney Drane 53rd Btn I 406 Pte Leslie Dryburgh 30th Btn I 87 L Cpl Bernard Dubois 32nd Btn I 1694 Pte Joseph Duffy 59th Btn I 465 Cpl Benjamin Dugdale 60th Btn I 4790 Pte George Duncan 59th Btn I 2622 Pte William Duncan 58th Btn I 4483 Pte Benedict Dunstan 54th Btn I 5375 Pte Edwin Dunstan 59th Btn I 3560 Pte Frederick Dyson 54th Btn
4771 Pte Woodley Easom 60th Btn I 1846 Pte Benjamin East 60th Btn I 2026 Pte Thomas Easton 30th Btn I 3723 Pte Richard Eddy 60th Btn I 2625A Pte John Edney 59th Btn I 2361 Pte Hugh Edwards 60th Btn I 3739 Pte John Edwards 60th Btn I 3527 Pte William Edwards 53rd Btn I 3802A Pte Patrick Elliott 60th Btn I 6184 Sapper Robert Elliot 15th Field Company Engineers I Major Thomas Elliot 60th Btn I 3125 L Cpl Arthur Ellis 58th Btn I 4095 Pte Arthur Ellis 59th Btn I 1698 Pte Robert Ellis 58th Btn I 3228 Pte James Elrick 55th Btn I 4776 Pte Henry Elsden 59th Btn I 2020 L Cpl Leo Ennis 29th Btn I 491 Pte Harold Esam 31st Btn I 5376 Sapper Herbert Ettingshausen 14th Field Company Engineers I Capt Ernest Evans 60th Btn I 4773 Pte Frederick Evans 53rd Btn I 4803 Pte Frederick Evans 60th Btn I 4489 Pte Hugh Evans 54th Btn I 4769 Pte William Evans 53rd Btn
1700 Pte Leslie Fackrell 60th Btn I 3060 Pte Patrick Fahey 55th Btn I 4484 Pte Frederick Fair 58th Btn I 2022 Pte Philip Fargher 60th Btn I 80 Pte Samuel Farlow 29th Btn I 3170 Pte Martin Farrelly 59th Btn I 929 Pte Jens Feldt 32nd Btn I 882 Pte Robert Fenwick 30th Btn I 3061 Pte Peter Ferguson 55th Btn I 3086A Pte Frederick Finch 56th Btn I 1259 Pte Christian Fisher 32nd Btn I 494 L Cpl Livingstone Fisk 32nd Btn I 2474 Pte John Fitzgerald 59th Btn I 1706 Pte Alfred Flack 59th Btn I 3478 Pte Cecil Flaus 53rd Btn I 1651 Pte Henry Fleming 53rd Btn I 3310 Cpl Frederick Fletcher 55th Btn I 1704 Pte Japhet Fletcher 59th Btn I 3733 Pte John Fletcher 59th Btn I 376 Pte William Fletcher 60th Btn I 3512A Pte Frank Flowers 60th Btn I 3732 Pte Wilfred Flowers 59th Btn I 3494 Pte Henry Flude 54th Btn I 2184 L Cpl James Fogarty 60th Btn I 4779 Pte Robert Forland 53rd Btn I 3046 Pte John Forrest 54th Btn I 3097 Pte Harry Forster 59th Btn I 3760 Pte John Forsyth 60th Btn I 3102 Pte Walter Fowler 60th Btn I 2584 Pte Thomas Francis 29th Btn I 852 Pte William Francis 31st Btn I 3105 Pte Charles Franklin 60th Btn I 3104 Pte Herbert Franklin 60th Btn I 1703 Pte Alexander Fraser 60th Btn I 931 Pte Alfred Fraser 32nd Btn I 3282 Pte Roderick Fraser 59th Btn I 4105 Pte Arthur Frazer 60th Btn I 1926 Pte Alfred Fry 60th Btn I 3048 L Cpl Thomas Fryer 54th Btn I 3520 Pte Charles Fryklund 55th Btn I 2721 Pte Frederick Fuller 53rd Btn I 3738 Pte Arthur Fulton 59th Btn I 3530 L Cpl Robert Fulton 53rd Btn I1265 Pte Reginald Furze 32nd Btn
3314 Pte Thomas Gaborit 59th Btn I 333 Pte Neil Gaden 31st Btn I 3979 Pte Thomas Galloway 59th Btn I 3048 Pte Bertie Gardiner 53rd Btn I 2961 L Cpl Cedric Gardiner 53rd Btn I 889 Pte Henry Gardner 30th Btn I 4798 Pte Walter Garry 59th Btn I 4787 Pte Charles Gates 54th Btn I 2604 Pte Edwin Gaunt 54th Btn I 3502A L Cpl Sidney Gavel 53rd Btn I 4821 Pte Albert Geal 59th Btn I 4811 Pte Percy Geason 55th Btn I 4789 Pte William Geldard 56th Btn I Lt Richard Gibbs 59th Btn I 2639 Pte Cecil Giblett 59th Btn I 1083 Pte Guy Gibney 32nd Btn I 4494 Pte Francis Gilbee 60th Btn I 4787 Pte Andrew Gilbert 53rd Btn I 1551 Cpl William Gill 59th Btn I 937 Pte Albert Gillett 32nd Btn I 2213 Pte Ernest Gittoes 59th Btn I 2929A Pte Andrew Given 60th Btn I 3549 Pte David Gleeson 60th Btn I 1291 L Cpl Frederic Glenn 30th Btn I 3531 Pte Clarence Glew 58th Btn I 3550 Sgt William Goldby 59th Btn I 1553 L Cpl Charles Goldie 59th Btn I 3063A Pte Robert Goldsmith 59th Btn I 4051 Pte Sylvester Gollan 53rd Btn I 2671 Pte Alfred Goodwin 59th Btn I 2443 Pte John Goold 53rd Btn I 1130 Pte James Gordon 29th Btn I 3239 Pte Thomas Gould 53rd Btn I 2798 Pte George Grace 59th Btn I 1537 Pte Walter Grace 31st Btn I 3543 Pte Herbert Graham 54th Btn I 2nd Lt Clark Gray 58th Btn I 20 Pte Edwin Gray 32nd Btn I 2927 Pte George Gray 54th Btn I 2799 Pte John Gray 59th Btn I 4296 Pte Sidney Gray 54th Btn I 2838 Pte Archibald Green 53rd Btn I 1274 Cpl Robert Green 32nd Btn I 3036 Cpl Sidney Green 59th Btn I 1275 Pte Bertie Greenfield 32nd Btn I 2667 Pte George Greenwood 53rd Btn I 3115A Pte Percy Greenwood 32nd Btn I 2802 Pte Frederick Gregory 60th Btn I 2nd Lt Reginald Griffen 32nd Btn I 4793 Pte Cecil Griffiths 60th Btn I 1276 Pte Gilbert Griffiths 32nd Btn I 4789 Pte Robert Grimmond 53rd Btn I 3114 Sgt Vincent Grogan 60th Btn I 3062 Sgt Charles Grumont 59th Btn I 941 Pte Thomas Gully 32nd Btn I 1797 Pte Edwin Gunn 60th Btn
Lt Thomas Hagan 32nd Btn I 4221A Pte Arthur Hales 54th Btn I 3341A Pte Anthony Hall 53rd Btn I 3318 Pte James Hall 53rd Btn I 1525 Pte Melville Hall 32nd Btn I 3134 Pte Timothy Halloran 59th Btn I 4505 Pte Herbert Hamilton 60th Btn I 2138 Pte Robert Hamilton 31st Btn I 4275 Pte William Hamilton 60th Btn I 3124 Pte Wallace Hammond 60th Btn I 3240 Cpl Eric Hancock 55th Btn I 3307 Sgt Edward Hannan 58th Btn I 3016 L Cpl Herbert Hansen 58th Btn I 3006 Pte Jack Hansen 60th Btn I 2173 Pte Gershun Harbert 59th Btn I 1669 Pte William Harden 53rd Btn I 3507 Pte David Hare 55th Btn I 3542 Pte Ernest Hargreaves 58th Btn I 2041 L Cpl Cecil Harland 32nd Btn I 253 Sgt Ormond Harland 29th Btn I 4509 Pte Laurence Harriott 54th Btn I 3819 Pte James Harris 55th Btn I 2073 Pte Robert Harris 59th Btn I 3118A Pte Mellor Harrison 60th Btn I 3313 Pte Sydney Harry 60th Btn I 3148 Pte James Hart 60th Btn I 3766 Pte John Hart 59th Btn I 865 Cpl Leslie Hart 32nd Btn I 2811 Pte William Hart 59th Btn I 2503 Sgt Robert Harvey 58th Btn I 1390 Pte Herbert Haslam 29th Btn I 4613 Pte Percy Hanchett 53rd Btn I 1108 Pte Vincent Havey 60th Btn I 188 Pte Charles Hawcroft 30th Btn I 2247 Pte Edward Hawke 53rd Btn I 3538 Pte Michael Hawley 53rd Btn I 4232 Pte David Hay 54th Btn I 3769 Sgt Henry Hayes 59th Btn I 3511B Pte Reginald Healey 54th Btn I 4514 Pte William Heath 54th Btn I 2815 Pte Horace Heather 60th Btn I 3336A Pte William Heaton 53rd Btn I 186 Pte Leonard Hedges 30th Btn I 3166 Pte Elton Heeps 60th Btn I 3531A L Cpl Allan Heggie 60th Btn I 3798 Pte Ernest Henderson 60th Btn I 3348 Pte Frederick Henderson 59th Btn I 2603 Pte Leslie Henderson 60th Btn I 110 Pte William Hennessy 32nd Btn I 2056 Pte Matthew Hepple 30th Btn I 3308A Pte Stanley Herbert 53rd Btn I 3317 L Cpl Frank Heward 59th Btn I 3067 L Cpl Frederick Hewitt 54th Btn I 870 Pte William Hicks 31st Btn I 4176 Pte Anthony Higgins 54th Btn I 2050 Pte James Higgins 29th Btn I 196 Pte William Higgins 30th Btn I 3485A Pte Sydney Higgison 53rd Btn I 842 Sgt Charles Hill 53rd Btn I 2821 Pte Joseph Hill 54th Btn I 1591 L Cpl Robert Hill 31st Btn I 2152 Cpl Alexander Hillyar 53rd Btn I 3066 Pte James Hind 59th Btn I 4800 Pte Glynn Hitzeroth 59th Btn I 2871 Pte Thomas Hoberg 60th Btn I 2050 Pte Clarence Hoffman 32nd Btn I 2141 Pte Thomas Holland 31st Btn I 4801 Pte Clifford Holliday 54th Btn I 1402 Pte William Hollings 32nd Btn I 4510 Pte Percy Hollioake 58th Btn I 955 Pte Arnold Holmes 32nd Btn I 4115 L Cpl Edgar Holmes 59th Btn I 4305 Pte James Holmes 54th Btn I 2925 Pte Frederick Holst 60th Btn I 1291 Pte George Honey 32nd Btn I 4188 Pte Edward Hope 54th Btn I 3250 Pte Benjamin Hopkins 60th Btn I 4653 Pte Henry Hopper 60th Btn I 3119 Pte Arch Horsington 56th Btn I 1241 L Cpl Roy Horsley 60th Btn I 2844 L Cpl Gustave Hosie 59th Btn I 1948 Pte Russell Hosie 60th Btn I 1679 Pte Charles Hotham 59th Btn I 522 L Cpl Alfred Hounslow 32nd Btn I 258 Pte W John Howard 31st Btn I 1946 Pte Ernest Howes 60th Btn I 3327A L Cpl Edwin Hubbard 53rd Btn I 2nd Lt Arthur Hudson 31st Btn I Lt Frederick Hulks 32nd Btn I 342 Pte Frederick Humphrey 31st Btn I 1642 L Cpl Herbert Humphreys 59th Btn I 4654 Pte Joseph Humphries 60th Btn I 531 Cpl Bryan Humphris 32nd Btn I 3327 Pte George Hungerford 53rd Btn I 347 Pte Thomas Hunt 32nd Btn I 1054 Pte Thomas Hunt 31st Btn I 3357 Sgt William Hunt 59th Btn I 4816 Pte David Hunter 59th Btn I 4816 Pte John Hunter 58th Btn I 3784 Pte Reginald Hunter 59th Btn I 2818 L Cpl John Hurdis 54th Btn I 2664 Pte Charles Hussey 60th Btn I 2824 Pte David William Hutcheson 59th Btn I 3808 Pte William Hutcheson 58th Btn I Major Arthur Hutchinson 58th Btn I 962 Pte James Hutchinson 32nd Btn I 2028 Pte Sydney Hyams 31st Btn
35 Sgt Eryx Incledon 60th Btn I 686 Pte William Inglis 30th Btn I 2860 Pte Sydney Ingram 53rd Btn I 3158 Pte Victor Ingram 32nd Btn I 4807 Pte David Irvin 54th Btn I 4824 Pte John Irvine 60th Btn I 1528 Pte Allan Irving 32nd Btn
451 Pte Frederick Jackson 30th Btn I 4140 Pte Thomas Jackson 60th Btn I 689 Pte Arthur James 30th Btn I 3347 Pte Frederick James 14th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps I 972 Pte Roy Jamieson 32nd Btn I 866 Cpl Ernest Jarman 32nd Btn I 3378 Pte Bernard Jasper 58th Btn I 3549 Pte William Jeffery 31st Btn I 171 Pte George Jenkin 57th Btn I 4831 Pte Walter Jennings 55th Btn I 3331 L Sgt Ernest Jentsch 53rd Btn I 2354 Pte Edward Jergens 32nd Btn I 1692 Pte Samuel Jessop 59th Btn I 2957 Pte Herbert Jewell 59th Btn I 189 Sgt William Jewell 60th Btn I 888 Pte Albert Johnson 31st Btn I 2203 Pte Arthur Johnson 29th Btn I 3367 Cpl Robert Johnson 59th Btn I 2705 Pte Charles Johnston 56th Btn I 4315A Pte Cyril Johnston 54th Btn I 3549 Pte Fred Johnston 54th Btn I 3096 Pte George Johnston 53rd Btn I 726 Cpl William Johnston 58th Btn I 1299 L Cpl Francis Johnstone 32nd Btn I 3177 Pte Denzil Jolly 32nd Btn I 1707 Pte Cyril Jones 60th Btn I 798 Sgt Geoffrey Jones 60th Btn I 2392 Pte George Jones 60th Btn I 194 Pte Herbert Jones 60th Btn I 3151 Pte John Jones 59th Btn I 1880 Pte John Jones 30th Btn I 3793 Pte Mark Jones 60th Btn I 3544 Pte Rictor Jones 60th Btn I 891 Pte Thomas Jones 31st Btn I 2934 Pte Raymond Jordan 14th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps I 121 Pte Harold Jose 32nd Btn I 1055 Pte Joseph Joseph 31st Btn I 3155 Pte Albert Jourdain 60th Btn I 1624 Pte Jack Joyce 32nd Btn I 971 Pte Clarence Judge 32nd Btn
3794 Pte Sydney Kann 60th Btn I 3357A Cpl Percy Kearney 53rd Btn I 974 Pte William Keating 32nd Btn I 4528 Pte Prosper Keats 54th Btn I 3141 Pte Walter Keegan 60th Btn I 2868 Pte John Kelly 60th Btn I 3368A Pte Leo Kemp 53rd Btn I 365 Cpl Hassell Kendall 31st Btn I 3117 Pte William Kendall 53rd Btn I 2862 Pte Joseph Kennedy 53rd Btn I 2677 Pte Leslie Kennedy 29th Btn I 3158 Sgt Arthur Kenney 58th Btn I 3155A Pte William Kenny 60th Btn I 4813 Pte Alfred Kentish 54th Btn I 3541A Pte George Kentwell 53rd Btn I 2486 Pte Henry Kerr 60th Btn I 3797 Pte John Kerr 59th Btn I 3061 Pte James Kett 60th Btn I 3160 Cpl Otto Kiellerup 59th Btn I 2697 Pte Wilfred Kilburn 53rd Btn I 3333 Pte Christopher King 53rd Btn I 1096 Pte David King 30th Btn I 4816 Pte Herbert King 54th Btn I 76 Pte Stanley King 31st Btn I 2597 Cpl Walter King 59th Btn I 1251 Pte William King 60th Btn I 3162 Pte Shrewsbury Kingsford 60th Btn I 1603 Pte Adolf Knable 32nd Btn I 3552 Cpl Percy Knight 60th Btn I 4814 Pte Samuel Knight 58th Btn I 547 L Cpl Andrew Korber 32nd Btn I 4253 Pte Arthur Krogman 54th Btn
977 Pte Sidney Lacey 32nd Btn I 4925 Pte William Ladd 59th Btn I 2973 Pte William Laing 53rd Btn I 1712 Pte Cecil Lake 59th Btn I 1971 Pte Stanley Lakeman 60th Btn I 3574 Pte John Lamb 58th Btn I 3088A Pte John Lancaster 60th Btn I 3336 Pte Edwin Landsler 53rd Btn I 3581 Pte William Landy 58th Btn I 3146 Pte Thomas Lane 59th Btn I 124 L Cpl Cuthbert Lanon 32nd Btn I 4808 Pte John Larkin 53rd Btn I 221 Pte Alexander Laurie 30th Btn I 3076 Pte Edwin Lawler 53rd Btn I 126 Pte Daniel Lawlor 32nd Btn I 4820 Pte Samuel Lawson 53rd Btn I 4809 Pte Charles Layton 53rd Btn I 4761 Pte James Le Briton 53rd Btn I 3341 Pte Herbert Le Maitre 53rd Btn I 207 Pte Alfred Le Roy 60th Btn I 1104 Pte Roy Leahy 30th Btn I 4130 Pte Isaac Lear 59th Btn I 3586 Pte Alfred Leary 58th Btn I 3385 Pte Frank Lee 59th Btn I 4822 Pte James Lee 54th Btn I 4533 Pte James Lee 54th Btn I 982 Pte James Lee 32nd Btn I 94 Cpl Joseph Lee 60th Btn I 2779 Pte Norman Lee 14th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps I 3071 L Cpl William Lee 60th Btn I 2nd Lt John Lees 30th Btn I 4534 Pte Percy Lees 54th Btn I 3366 Pte Charles Legate 53rd Btn I 3807 Pte George Leheny 60th Btn I 247 Pte Arthur Leigh 31st Btn I 4227 Pte Cecil Leigh 59th Btn I 4840 Pte Leslie Leister 55th Btn I 997 Cpl Robert Lennox 60th Btn I 158 Cpl John Letcher 60th Btn I 3165 Pte John Letts 59th Btn I 2870 Pte Lionel Levy 53rd Btn I Capt Aubrey Liddelow 59th Btn I 4832 Pte Archie Lidgett 59th Btn I 3812 Sgt Robert Lister 59th Btn I 4132 Pte Stanley Little 60th Btn I 1777 L Cpl Vernon Little 54th Btn I 1168 Cpl David Livingston 29th Btn I 2064 Pte Frank Loader 32nd Btn I 3866 Pte Charles Lock 60th Btn I 3400 Cpl Henry Lockett 60th Btn I 3367 Pte John Loudon 53rd Btn I 3816 L Sgt Horace Lucas 59th Btn I 2620 L Cpl Alfred Luckhurst 60th Btn I 467 Pte George Lucre 30th Btn I 2856 Pte Cyril Luke 14th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps I 2626 Pte Charles Lukey 60th Btn I 2705 Pte William Lund 55th Btn I 985 Pte Frederick Lydiate 32nd Btn I 3158A Pte Ellery Lynch 59th Btn I 219 Pte Michael Lynch 60th Btn
4834 Pte George Mackay 60th Btn I 3234 Pte George Mackenzie 32nd Btn I 2631 Pte Robert MacKenzie 60th Btn I 1009 Pte Herbert Mackness 32nd Btn I 2101 Pte Frank MacLaren 60th Btn I 4324 Pte Philip Maclaren-Webb 54th Btn I 3209 Pte Reuben Magor 32nd Btn I 1536 Pte Samuel Mahoney 32nd Btn I 3137A Pte Horace Maidment 60th Btn I 3394 Pte Alfred Main 53rd Btn I 4954 Pte Nicholas Mainger 53rd Btn I 4815 Pte Roy Major 53rd Btn I 483 Sgt Edward Malcolm 30th Btn I 4929 Pte Henry Maning 60th Btn I 3358 Pte Percy Mann 59th Btn I 3175 Sgt Albert Marshall 60th Btn I 1745A Pte Harry Marshall 60th Btn I 4939 Pte Thomas Marshall 53rd Btn I 135 Pte Arthur Martin 32nd Btn I 2836B Pte Claude Martin 60th Btn I 3183 Pte Frederick Martin 60th Btn I 2058 Pte Joseph Martin 31st Btn I 1584 Pte Roy Martin 30th Btn I 3090 Pte Walton Martin 53rd Btn I 3084A Pte Clarence Mathieson 60th Btn I 1595A Pte Alec Matthew 59th Btn I 722 Pte Arthur Matthews 30th Btn I 3174 Pte James Matthews 60th Btn I 137 Pte Robert Maudsley 32nd Btn I 3066 Pte Alexander Maule 59th Btn I 3557 Pte Arthur Maxwell 30th Btn I 2873 Pte Henry Mayer 55th Btn I 2644 Pte William Mays 60th Btn I 4391 Pte Hector McAulay 54th Btn I 4270A Pte Roderick McAulay 54th Btn I 1980 Sgt Donald McCaul 60th Btn I 3858 Pte William McClure 60th Btn I 1631 Pte John McCooke 60th Btn I 1595 Pte Hector McCoullough 30th Btn I 1011 Pte Alexander McCulloch 32nd Btn I 3184 Pte Frederick McCulloch 59th Btn I 3415 Pte William McDermott 60th Btn I 1553 Pte Archie McDonald 31st Btn I 2160 Pte Charles McDonald 31st Btn I 3199 Pte Leonard McDonald 58th Btn I 3161 Pte Lionel McDonald 54th Btn I 1678 Pte Ronald McDonald 59th Btn I 3194 Sgt Athol McDowell 60th Btn I 1743A Pte Thomas McEwan 59th Btn I 3416 Pte Donald McGhee 59th Btn I 3402 Pte Daniel McGrath 53rd Btn I 2081 L Cpl Peter McGregor 32nd Btn I 3873 Pte Richard McGuarr 55th Btn I 4201 Pte Roger McHugh 53rd Btn I 3007 Pte William McInerney 59th Btn I 2420 Pte Donald McInnes 59th Btn I 913 Sgt James McIntosh 60th Btn I 4826 Pte Archibald McKay 53rd Btn I 3182 Pte Francis McKay 14th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps I 414 Sgt Robert McKenna 60th Btn I 1797A Pte Alexander McKenzie 32nd Btn I 3087 Pte Donald McKenzie 53rd Btn I 3201 Pte James McKenzie 60th Btn I 1974 Pte John McKenzie 60th Btn I 151 Pte John McKenzie 32nd Btn I 3208 L Cpl Kenneth McKenzie 60th Btn I 3408 Pte James McKeone 59th Btn I 1824A Pte John McKinery 60th Btn I 2nd Lt Andrew McKinnon 60th Btn I 495 Company Sgt Major John McKinnon 60th Btn I 3200 Pte Alexander McLean 60th Btn I 3890 Pte Huey McLean 58th Btn I 293 Pte Hugh McLean 32nd Btn I 3209 Pte Victor McLean 60th Btn I 794 Pte Christopher McLear 59th Btn I 3368 Pte Murdo McLennan 53rd Btn I 1716 Pte Hector McLeod 31st Btn I 3121 Cpl William McLeod 53rd Btn I 3996 Pte Thomas McMahon 59th Btn I 3831 Pte Patrick McManus 60th Btn I 2719 Pte Samuel McManus 60th Btn I 3120 L Cpl Christopher McNamara 59th Btn I 119 Pte William McPhee 32nd Btn I 4565 Pte Duncan McPherson 54th Btn I 1883 Pte Robert Meadows 60th Btn I 3840 L Cpl Frank Meginess 59th Btn I 3361 Pte Sydney Meloy 53rd Btn I Lt Berrol Mendelsohn 55th Btn I 3178 Pte Charles Merton 59th Btn I 3264 Pte Ernest Meyer 55th Btn I 2055 Pte Colin Meyers 31st Btn I 4851 Pte William Mildren 60th Btn I 3575 Pte Walter Miles 59th Btn I 3356 Pte Thomas Milham 59th Btn I 3880 Pte Charles Millard 55th Btn I 252 Pte George Millard 31st Btn I 2073 Pte Harold Miller 32nd Btn I 576 Cpl Harry Miller 32nd Btn I 2736 Pte Robert Miller 60th Btn I 2735 Pte William Miller 60th Btn I 4547 Pte William Milligan 60th Btn I 3582 Pte Leslie Mills 59th Btn I 3380A Pte James Milne 53rd Btn I Lt Alan Mitchell 30th Btn I 4845 Pte Albert Mitchell 59th Btn I 998 Pte Albert Mitchell 32nd Btn I 2746 Pte Alfred Mitchell 59th Btn I 2714 Pte Sydney Mitchell 59th Btn I 2616 Pte Percy Moate 53rd Btn I Lt Harry Moffitt 53rd Btn I 2901 Pte Leslie Mogg 60th Btn I 3579 Pte Henry Molloy 60th Btn I 3282 Pte Alfred Momplhait 32nd Btn I 2636 Pte Charles Mondy 54th Btn I 2217 Pte William Montgomery 59th Btn I 2739 L Cpl Eric Moore 55th Btn I 2648 Pte James Moore 60th Btn I 4274 Pte Valentine Moore 54th Btn I 3393 Pte William Moore 53rd Btn I 3553 Pte John Moran 53rd Btn I 3180 Cpl George More-Reid 59th Btn I 3366A Pte Gilbert Morey 53rd Btn I 3562 Pte Robert Morgan 60th Btn I 3190 Sgt Edwin Morley 60th Btn I 340 L Cpl Arthur Morphett 32nd Btn I 2743 Pte Leslie Morris 59th Btn I 2451 Pte Melton Morrison 53rd Btn I 3191 Cpl Albert Mortimer 60th Btn I Capt Kenneth Mortimer 29th Btn I 22 Pte Percy Mortimore 32nd Btn I 3059 Pte Vincent Morton 60th Btn I 2635 Pte Harry Mossenton 59th Btn I 3844 Pte Hugh Mullin 60th Btn I 1725 Pte Joseph Munro 60th Btn I 2729 Pte Christopher Murphy 59th Btn I 3227 Pte James Murphy 32nd Btn I 1744A Pte James Murphy 32nd Btn I 3545B Pte Peter Murphy 53rd Btn I 1590 Cpl Charles Murray 30th Btn I 930 Pte Raymond Murray 30th Btn I 171 Sgt William Murray 60th Btn I 2904 Pte Harold Murton 60th Btn I 4850 Pte Peter Myers 54th Btn
4341 Pte Clarence Nash 54th Btn I 3436 L Sgt Frederick Nathan 60th Btn I 4970 Pte Joseph Naylor 60th Btn I 4946 Pte Arnold Needham 54th Btn I 2406 L Cpl Leonard Neil 59th Btn I 2401 Sgt Reuben Neil 53rd Btn I 3847 Pte Thomas Neill 60th Btn I 4860 Pte Alexander Nelson 55th Btn I 2nd Lt Beresford Nelson 53rd Btn I 728 Pte Henry Nelson 30th Btn I 3197 Pte Martin Nelson 60th Btn I 269 Pte Joseph Nevill 31st Btn I 3126A Pte Horace Newey 59th Btn I 2279 Pte Albert Newman 60th Btn I 3412 Pte Benedict Newman 53rd Btn I 6096 Sapper William Newton 15th Field Company Engineers I 3587A Pte John Nicholl 53rd Btn I 146 Pte James Nitchie 60th Btn I 3595 Pte Norman Noble 60th Btn I Lt William Noble 53rd Btn I 2423 Sgt Albert Noldart 55th Btn I Lt Col Ignatius Norris 53rd Btn I 2098 Pte Leonard Norris 60th Btn I 2750 Pte Ernest North 59th Btn I 1606 Sapper Harry Norton 14th Field Company Engineers I 1736 Pte Walter Nott 60th Btn I 3212 Pte Stanley Nunn 60th Btn
1025 L Cpl Clifford Oates 32nd Btn I 4991 Pte Gerald O'Connor 60th Btn I 1737 Pte William O'Day 59th Btn I 3586 Pte Alexander O'Donnell 54th Btn I 314 Pte Stanley O'Donnell 29th Btn I 319 Pte William O'Donnell 29th Btn I 3562 Pte William O'Donnell 53rd Btn I 4192 Pte John O'Grady 60th Btn I 3423 Pte Patrick O'Grady 60th Btn I 3214 Pte James O'Hara 59th Btn I 3394A Pte Axel Ohlson 53rd Btn I 2826 Pte Walter O'Keeffe 59th Btn I 2087 Pte Humphrey O'Leary 32nd Btn I 3096 Pte Joseph O'Leary 59th Btn I 316 Pte Ernest Oliver 29th Btn I 3869 Pte Edwin Olney 60th Btn I 421 Pte Andrew Olsen 31st Btn I 4570 Pte John Olston 59th Btn I 3216 Pte Patrick O'Meara 59th Btn I 4867 Pte Frank O'Neill 60th Btn I 3610 Pte James O'Neill 58th Btn I 4875 Pte Martin Orchard 60th Btn I 3871 Cpl William Orenshaw 59th Btn I 3100 Pte William Oriel 60th Btn I 2414 Pte Lionel Osmond 30th Btn I 4268 Pte Walter Osmond 60th Btn I 3873 Pte Roy Outen 59th Btn I 3367 Pte William Outlaw 53rd Btn I 1326 Pte William Owen 30th Btn
2906 L Cpl George Pagan 54th Btn I 1082 Pte Alexander Page 32nd Btn I 2777A L Cpl Victor Paice 60th Btn I 4837 Pte Ralph Pain 53rd Btn I 3540A Pte Gerardus Paling 53rd Btn I 2892 Pte Philip Palmer 53rd Btn I 1404 L Cpl William Palmer 59th Btn I 593 Pte William Palmer 32nd Btn I 3860 Pte James Pamphlet 59th Btn I 2092 Pte Edgar Parham 32nd Btn I 2nd Lt John Parker 30th Btn I 320 Pte Frederick Parry 29th Btn I 3878 Pte Robert Parry 59th Btn I 4864 Pte William Parsons 59th Btn I 3148A Pte Richard Parton 53rd Btn I 2508 Pte Albert Paton 31st Btn I 3605 Pte Henry Pattison 60th Btn I Capt Harry Paulin 53rd Btn I 4569 Pte Alfred Payne 58th Btn I 4564 Pte Roy Pearce 59th Btn I 1808 Pte William Pearson 58th Btn I 2872 Pte Roy Peart 60th Btn I 962 Pte Frederick Peberdy 30th Btn I 2233 Pte Joseph Pegler 60th Btn I 2764 Pte Robert Peiper 59th Btn I 2255 Pte Thomas Pemberton 60th Btn I 3584 Pte Edgar Penaluna 60th Btn I 2668 Pte Neil Penfold 55th Btn I 4865 Pte Alfred Pengelly 60th Btn I 2896 Pte Richard Percy 53rd Btn I 2014 Pte Colin Perkins 59th Btn I 2421 Pte Eric Perkins 59th Btn I 739 Pte John Perks 30th Btn I 2015 Pte Stanley Perrett 59th Btn I 1089 Pte Harold Perrin 31st Btn I 2095 Pte Andrew Perry 32nd Btn I 3448 Pte Robert Perry 59th Btn I 2462 Pte Walter Pheasant 54th Btn I 3894 Pte John Phelan 59th Btn I 2877 L Cpl William Phelps 59th Btn I 1804 Pte Alfred Phillips 59th Btn I 4868 Pte Arthur Phillips 59th Btn I 4869 L Cpl Clemons Phillips 59th Btn I 1743 Pte Edwin Phillips 60th Btn I 3422A Pte John Phillips 53rd Btn I 3656 Pte William Phillips 53rd Btn I 4840 Pte Reginald Pike 53rd Btn I 2119 Pte Norman Pinne 29th Btn I 4911 Pte Basil Pitcher 59th Btn I 595 Pte Harold Pitt 32nd Btn I 4862 Pte Ernest Plater 54th Btn I Capt Hugh Plowman 60th Btn I 2420 Pte James Plozza 58th Btn I 2815A L Cpl Elver Plummer 53rd Btn I 597 Pte Charles Plunket 32nd Btn I 2884 Pte Charles Polglase 59th Btn I 3615 Pte Frederick Pollard 60th Btn I 324 Pte Herbert Pollard 29th Btn I 3397 Pte William Porter 53rd Btn I 3395 Pte Walter Potter 53rd Btn I 4838 Pte John Poulton 53rd Btn I 2858 Pte John Powell 59th Btn I 3894 Pte Albert Power 60th Btn I 43A Sgt George Power 60th Btn I 2893 Pte William Power 60th Btn I 2641 Pte Sidney Pratt 53rd Btn I 3597 Pte Victor Preston 54th Btn I 1556 Pte Walter Pretty 32nd Btn I 3115A Pte Horace Pritchard 60th Btn I 1748 Pte Robert Purvis 60th Btn I 3087 Pte Arthur Pybus 54th Btn
4297 Pte Wilfred Quihampton 54th Btn I 2391 Pte Richard Quintrell 32nd Btn I 3524 Pte Rupert Quist 53rd Btn
1798 Pte Bezelle Rabinovitch 59th Btn I 288 Pte John Radford 31st Btn I 4994 Pte Patrick Rahilly 60th Btn I 2736A Pte George Rainsbury 60th Btn I 4769 Pte William Rainsbury 60th Btn I 1501 Company Quartermaster Sgt James Ralston 60th Btn I 3131 Pte George Ramsay 60th Btn I 1558 Pte Howard Randall 32nd Btn I 1342 Pte Arthur Rattray 60th Btn I 3527 L Sgt Walter Raw 59th Btn I 916 Pte Frederick Rawlings 31st Btn I 2392 Pte Albert Rawnsley 30th Btn I 1067 Pte Santley Redfern 31st Btn I 3458A Pte Alfred Reeves 60th Btn I 1811 Sgt Robert Reeves 59th Btn I 673 Pte Ambrose Regan 8th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps I 335 Sgt James Reid 29th Btn I 3256 Pte Maurice Reid 32nd Btn I 3899 Pte Charles Reynolds 60th Btn I 3134 Pte George Reynolds 60th Btn I Lt James Rhind 60th Btn I 1134 Pte Douglas Rich 30th Btn I 4581 Pte Benjamin Richardson 54th Btn I 4882 Pte Frank Richardson 59th Btn I 2912 Sgt Harold Richardson 54th Btn I 4515 Pte John Richardson 59th Btn I 3904 Pte Percy Richardson 60th Btn I 2nd Lt Thomas Rickard 53rd Btn I 3224 Pte Lawrence Ricketts 59th Btn I 1036 Pte Samuel Ridler 32nd Btn I 2196 Pte Richard Rilen 53rd Btn I 4583 Pte William Riordon 54th Btn I 941 Pte Albert Roberts 60th Btn I 1356 Cpl Alfred Roberts 32nd Btn I 4252 Pte Charles Roberts 59th Btn I 3103 L Cpl Claude Roberts 53rd Btn I 4579 Pte William Robertson 60th Btn I 2889 Pte Albert Robinson 60th Btn I 1312 Pte Horace Robinson 30th Btn I 4841 Pte William Robinson 53rd Btn I 4584 Pte James Rodda 54th Btn I 2844 Pte Harry Rogers 59th Btn I 3342 Pte Roy Rogers 60th Btn I 3139A Pte Stanley Rogers 60th Btn I 2786 Pte Ernest Rojo 60th Btn I 3906 Pte George Roney 60th Btn I 3102 Pte William Ronson 53rd Btn I 1087 Company Sgt Major William Rose 55th Btn I 3132 Pte Peter Rosney 59th Btn I 1216 Cpl James Ross 29th Btn I 113 Pte John Ross 8th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps I 1040 Pte Mervyn Ross 32nd Btn I 3568 Pte Roy Ross 59th Btn I 605 Pte George Rostron 32nd Btn I 4961 Pte Harold Roth 55th Btn I 3243 Sgt Raymond Routley 60th Btn I 607 Pte Jesse Rowe 32nd Btn I 2900 Pte William Royan Australian Imperial Force (M E) Staging Camp, 53rd Btn I 3913 Pte Albert Rue 55th Btn I 4299 Pte Arthur Russell 54th Btn I 3129 Pte Frederick Russell 59th Btn I 2672 Pte Thomas Russell 59th Btn I 3501 Pte Clarence Ryan 60th Btn I 743 Pte Daniel Ryan 30th Btn I 1606 Pte Patrick Ryan 30th Btn I 3244 Pte William Ryan 60th Btn I 1520 Cpl William Ryan 31st Btn
542 Pte Herbert Saddler 31st Btn I 4233 Pte Alfred Sadler 54th Btn I 2426 Sapper Frederick Sainty 14th Field Company Engineers I 339 L Cpl Roy Salter 60th Btn I Major Victor Sampson 53rd Btn I 3911 Pte Edward Samuel 59th Btn I 3134 Pte Henry Santwyk 60th Btn I 4589 Pte Stanley Sawers 60th Btn I 4605 Pte Abraham Sawyer 59th Btn I 4183 Pte Charles Schimleck 59th Btn I 2797 Pte Archibald Scott 60th Btn I 2nd Lt George Scott 58th Btn I 4873 Pte Joseph Scott 54th Btn I 2654 Pte Reginald Scowcroft 59th Btn I 1639 Pte Henry Searle 32nd Btn I 2300 Pte Hector Sergeant 60th Btn I 4590 Pte Emmanuel Serong 59th Btn I 3433 Pte Peter Shannon 53rd Btn I 1047 Pte Harold Shaw 32nd Btn I 4210 Pte Frank Sheehan 60th Btn I 2477 Pte Richard Sheldrick 60th Btn I 2776 Pte George Shephard 60th Btn I 2778 Pte Thomas Shephard 60th Btn I 1363 Pte Charles Shepherd 32nd Btn I 3448 Pte Thomas Shepherd 53rd Btn I Capt Thomas Francis Sheridan 29th Btn I 2884A Pte Henry Shine 60th Btn I 531 Pte Edwin Shone 30th Btn I 3885 Pte Roy Shurmer 60th Btn I 3922 Pte George Sibbin 59th Btn I 2390 Pte John Silver 60th Btn I 4899 Pte Norman Simmons 59th Btn I 1516 Pte Victor Simon 32nd Btn I 3239A Pte Walter Simpson 59th Btn I 3447 Pte Frederick Sims 53rd Btn I 4939 Pte John Sims 60th Btn I 4316 Pte Albert Singleton 54th Btn I 16 L Cpl Alfred Sinigear 32nd Btn I 4870 Pte Edward Slate 53rd Btn I 1966 Pte Francis Slattery 59th Btn I 3244 Pte Stephen Sleigh 59th Btn I 2895 Pte Robert Sloan 59th Btn I 3485 Pte Anthony Slockwitch 59th Btn I 3255 Pte Alfred Smith 30th Btn I 1640 Pte Arthur Smith 32nd Btn I 3256 Pte Charles Smith 58th Btn I 4886 Pte Edward Smith 54th Btn I 2876 Pte Fred Smith 54th Btn I 2910 Pte Frederick Smith 53rd Btn I 1245 Pte Gordon Smith 29th Btn I 4474 L Cpl Harold Smith 8th Field Company Engineers I 2786 Pte James Smith 59th Btn I 3983 Pte James Smith 31st Btn I 339 Cpl Percival Smith 29th Btn I 4189 Pte Sydney Smith 58th Btn I 1054 Pte William Smith 32nd Btn I 683 L Sgt Henry Smyth 60th Btn I 3934 Pte Henry Smyth 60th Btn I 2110 Pte Godfrey Snook 32nd Btn I 622 Pte Boris Soans 32nd Btn I 1367 Pte Morton Solomon 32nd Btn I 3932 Pte Frank South 59th Btn I 1165 Pte John Sparks 53rd Btn I 4614 Pte Malcolm Spence 30th Btn I 3941 Pte James Spooner 60th Btn I Lt Ernest Spreadborough 31st Btn I 3924 Pte Herbert St. Smith 55th Btn I 3449A Pte Samuel Stacker 53rd Btn I 2898 Cpl Gregory Stalgis 14th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps I 3283 Pte Frank Standley 32nd Btn I 3440A Pte Albert Stapleton 53rd Btn I 1291 Pte William Starr 55th Btn I 293 Pte George Statham 31st Btn I 187 Pte Joseph Stead 32nd Btn I 3171 Pte John Steavens 55th Btn I 755 Cpl Frank Steed 30th Btn I 624 Pte James Steele 32nd Btn I 2772 Cpl William Stephen 55th Btn I 750 Pte Leonard Stephens 30th Btn I 4891 Pte Thomas Stephenson 53rd Btn I 2nd Lt John Sterling 60th Btn I 4874 Pte Alfred Steuart 53rd Btn I 4595 Pte Denholm Stevenson 58th Btn I 2796 Pte Federick Steward 60th Btn I 2902 Pte George Stobans 60th Btn I 4634 Pte John Stone 54th Btn I 2nd Lt John Strangman 54th Btn I 102A Pte Gordon Stratford 8th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps I 1057 Pte John Stuart 32nd Btn I 2793 Pte Arthur Sullivan 60th Btn I 3472 Pte John Sullivan 60th Btn I 1575 Pte Michael Summerly 32nd Btn I 2000 Pte Albert Summers 59th Btn I 635 L Cpl David Summers 60th Btn I 567 Pte George Sutherland 31st Btn I 4377A Pte Edward Sweeney 54th Btn I 3297A Pte Jack Swinfield 53rd Btn
430 Pte Richard Tanner 31st Btn I 2510 Sgt Jason Taylor 55th Btn I 407 Pte John Taylor 29th Btn I 3915 Pte Norman Taylor 59th Btn I 2417 Pte Sydney Taylor 53rd Btn I 2012 Pte Thomas Tedford 31st Btn I 3640 Pte Ernest Terry 60th Btn I 1146 Pte Norman Theisinger 30th Btn I 4609 Pte James Thexton 59th Btn I 2825 Pte Alfred Thompson 55th Btn I 3638 Pte Edward Thompson 60th Btn I 2034 L Cpl Peter Thompson 53rd Btn I 515 Pte Walter Thompson 59th Btn I 4881 Pte Arthur Thomson 53rd Btn I 2033 Pte Charles Thomson 60th Btn I 2811 Pte Eric Thomson 59th Btn I 3652 Pte George Thomson 59th Btn I 3145 Pte John Thomson 54th Btn I 962 Pte Robert Thomson 31st Btn I 4877 Pte George Thorpe 53rd Btn I 2126 Pte Sidney Thorpe 32nd Btn I 4323 Pte James Tibey 54th Btn I 2171 Pte Frederick Tickner 30th Btn I 3693 Pte Arthur Tiedeman 60th Btn I 4928 Pte Henry Tippett 60th Btn I 4647 Pte James Tipton 60th Btn I 1623 Pte Charles Tisbury 30th Btn I 3454A L Cpl Oliver Tollefson 53rd Btn I 3269 Pte William Tolley 59th Btn I 4261 Pte Reuben Tollis 53rd Btn I 4201 Pte Arthur Toogood 60th Btn I 690 Cpl John Toole 54th Btn I 3268 Pte James Towe 60th Btn I 959 Pte Murray Tracey 59th Btn I 3066 Pte David Trainer 60th Btn I 973 Cpl Arthur Treble 31st Btn I 3271 Pte Francis Tredrea 60th Btn I 3681 Pte Raymond Trigg 58th Btn I 3956 Pte Ludwic Trost 59th Btn I 1252 Cpl Alfred Tuck 29th Btn I 1581 Pte William Tucker 32nd Btn I 4598 Pte Walter Tully 60th Btn I 2691 Pte William Turnbull 60th Btn I 39 Pte Arthur Turner 8th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps I 3462A Pte Arthur Turner 53rd Btn I 3455 Pte Harry Turner 53rd Btn I 767 Pte John Turner 30th Btn I 1284 Cpl Stanley Turner 59th Btn I 408 Sgt James Tymons 32nd Btn
2929 Pte Albert Underwood 60th Btn I 2813 Pte Frederick Usher 59th Btn
776 Cpl Tasman Vale 30th Btn I 3991 Pte William Vennell 59th Btn I 4885 Pte Aime Verpillot 53rd Btn I 1582 Pte Edwin Vincent 32nd Btn I 777 Pte Lawrence Vincent 30th Btn I 1838 Pte Peter Vogt 55th Btn
2135 Pte Charles Wahlstead 32nd Btn I 4617 Pte Joseph Wailes 54th Btn I 1186 Sgt John Walker 32nd Btn I 3497 Pte Leslie Walker 59th Btn I 3472 Pte Benjamin Wall 53rd Btn I 783 Pte John Wall 30th Btn I 200 Pte Leonard Wall 32nd Btn I 2926 Pte Richard Wallis 59th Btn I 2837 Pte Vincent Wallis 32nd Btn I 1784 Pte Francis Wallmeyer 60th Btn I 3578B Pte Francis Walsh 53rd Btn I 2896 Pte Harry Walsh 59th Btn I 311 Pte Leslie Walsh 31st Btn I 201 Pte Richmond Walsh 32nd Btn I 4346A L Cpl Bernard Walshe 54th Btn I 1446 Pte Frederick Walters 60th Btn I 2184 Pte Claude Ward 30th Btn I 4933 Pte Rupert Ward 60th Btn I 990 Pte Arthur Wardell 60th Btn I 1384 Pte Clarence Warren 32nd Btn I 1767 Pte Samuel Warren 60th Btn I 239 Sgt William Wass 54th Btn I 3515 Pte Edgar Waters 53rd Btn I 715 Pte John Watkins 53rd Btn I 3576 Pte John Watson 53rd Btn I 4924 Pte Leonard Watson 53rd Btn I 3500 Pte Allan Watt 59th Btn I 3288 L Sgt George Watt 58th Btn I 3493 Pte George Watt 60th Btn I 1385 Pte William Watterson 32nd Btn I 3958 Pte Herbert Waugh 60th Btn I 318 Pte Percy Weakley 31st Btn I 2910 Pte Thomas Webb 60th Btn I 358 Pte Arthur Weir 29th Btn I 3578A Pte Frederick Weiss 53rd Btn I 1311 Pte Ernest Welling 30th Btn I 3551 Pte Alfred Welsh 31st Btn I 206 Pte George Westlake 32nd Btn I 361 Pte Herbert Westmoreland 29th Btn I 3669 Pte William Wheeler 59th Btn I 3642 Pte Francis Whelan 60th Btn I 3647 Pte Victor Whelan 60th Btn I 3476 Pte Eric Whitbread 53rd Btn I 3152 Pte Ernest White 54th Btn I 3323A Pte Isaac White 60th Btn I 2273A Pte Walter White 60th Btn I 118 Pte William White 8th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps I 3281 Pte John Whitehill 58th Btn I 1449 Pte John Whitehurst 60th Btn I 3308 Pte Alexander Whitnall 55th Btn I 782 Pte John Whitton 30th Btn I 3436 Pte James Whylie 59th Btn I 3514 Pte Alfred Wickham 60th Btn I 3984 Pte Robert Wiggins 59th Btn I 4916 Pte Ernest Wild 59th Btn I 1774 Pte Kenneth Wilde 60th Btn I 1888 Pte Reginald Wildman 54th Btn I 1314 Pte Ernest Wilkin 29th Btn I 4384 L Cpl Henry Wilkinson 54th Btn I 2830 L Cpl William Wilkinson 59th Btn I 1789A Pte Josiah Willey 59th Btn I 4621 Pte Edgar Williams 58th Btn I 3605 Pte Francis Williams 53rd Btn I 4615 Pte Thomas Williams 58th Btn I 4249 Pte Albert Williamson 54th Btn I 3921 Pte Harry Williamson 60th Btn I 4897 Pte Walter Williamson 53rd Btn I 804 Sgt Edward Willis 30th Btn I 4943 Pte Albert Wilson 53rd Btn I 1196 Pte Alexander Wilson 54th Btn I 3474A Pte Arthur Wilson 53rd Btn I 4887 Pte Eric Wilson 53rd Btn I 421 Sgt Henry Wilson 32nd Btn I 211 Pte Howard Wilson 32nd Btn I 3534 Pte Samuel Wilson 53rd Btn I 2144 Pte William Wilson 32nd Btn I 2686 Pte Harry Windley 60th Btn I 3279A Pte Henry Windram 59th Btn I 3966 Pte Ernest Winfield 59th Btn I 649 Pte Albert Winter 32nd Btn I 1004 Pte John Wishart 30th Btn I 781 Pte Archie Wood 30th Btn I 2833 Pte Arthur Wood 60th Btn I 3969 Pte Douglas Wood 59th Btn I 3968 Pte Arnold Woodcock 59th Btn I 1262 Pte Francis Woodcock 29th Btn I 3297 Pte Raymond Woodhouse 59th Btn I 2194 Pte Charles Woods 30th Btn I 2202 Cpl Walter Woods 59th Btn I Lt Ernest Wright 60th Btn I 2481 L Cpl John Wright 60th Btn I 2482 Pte Kensey Wright 60th Btn I 4635 Pte Reuben Wright 60th Btn I 3299 Pte Charles Wyatt 60th Btn I 789 L Cpl Reginald Wymark 30th Btn I 2485 Pte John Wynn 30th Btn I 3663A Pte Walter Wynne 60th Btn
4355 Pte Throsby Yabsley 54th Btn I 2698 George Yendle 59th Btn I 795 Pte Claude Yeo 30th Btn I 4639 Pte William Young 60th Btn
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Australian War Memorial's Roll of Honour database
The Great War Diggers above are all commemorated at VC Corner Cemetery Memorial, although it should be noted the following are still listed under the aliases adopted when joining the First AIF. Robert Meadows (alias Allen Cassell) I James Le Briton (alias James Duncan) I Percy Hanchett (alias Percy Hatchett) I Edward Hawke (alias David Roach) I W John Howard (alias John Morley) I Colin Meyers (alias Cecil Morgan) BASED ON A SPREADSHEET OBTAINED FROM THE CWGC SOME SERVICE NUMBERS IN THIS ROLL HAVE BEEN AMENDED TO BRING THEM IN LINE WITH THOSE RECORDED ON THE ROLL OF HONOUR DATABASE HOSTED BY THE AWM. The CWGC also acknowledges the following service personnel as having an alias: 3066 Pte David Trainer 60th Btn (alias David Cook) I 3520 Pte Charles Fryklund 55th Btn (alias C Franklin) I 2667 Pte George Greenwood 53rd Btn (alias George Smith) I 4617 Pte Joseph Wailes 54th Btn (alias Joseph Wallis) I 2779 Pte Norman Lee 14th Company Australian Machine Gun Corps (alias Sydney Atwell) I 3250 Pte Benjamin Hopkins 60th Btn (alias Benjamin Botting) These soldiers have aliases listed with the AWM which are not contained in the spreadsheet derived from the CWGC: 3866 Pte Charles Lock 60th Btn (alias Thomas Lock) I 2414 Pte Lionel Osmond 30th Btn (alias Robert Osmond) Return to the top of the page |
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